This is my story. I hope you’ll find something of interest on the following pages. It's in no particular order or chronological sequence, just different phases and all sorts of various things I seem to have stumbled into through my life.
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Kelvin quad lt.jpg
Kelvin quad lt.jpg
Kelvin quad lt.jpg
Kelvin quad lt.jpg

I’ve been involved in quite a lot of different things over the years. Like most people, I suppose I started out with a dream that would take me in one specific direction, but then over time that got altered, diluted, amended. And so it has been, that I ended up somewhere completely different from that original goal. Charity, stunts, photography, they were never in the plan, as far as I can recall. How strange life is!
How did I get here?
Good question! Two wheels, four wheels, flying? Over the next few pages I’ll catalogue some of my work, in no particular order. My leisure activities too. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I have.